The sun is currently standing 62,7° west and 25,5° above the horizon and is 150.517.720 km far from the Earth's center and 150.514.974 km far from here. The moon is currently standing 44,6° east and 2,5° below the horizon and is 383.597 km far from the Earth's center and 383.807 km far from here.
At 05:30 o'clock, dawn began. Sunrise was today at 06:42 o'clock, resp. will be tomorrow at 06:44 o'clock and Sunset will be today at 19:30 o'clock. The evening twilight ends at 20:42 o'clock. Therefore, is the day today 12 Std. 48 Min. long and the night will be 11 Std. 12 Min. long.
Moonrise will be today at 16:57 o'clock and Moonset will be today at 23:44 o'clock. Thus the sun is in the Maiden and the moon in the Archer.
Now here it goes to the sun- and moon movements for the next days.
The illustration is not to scale. Zunehmender Mond
(Waxing gibbous) 93,1°