The sun is currently standing 179,8° west and 59,1° below the horizon and is 147.250.719 km far from the Earth's center and 147.256.193 km far from here. The moon is currently standing 81,6° east and 20,0° below the horizon and is 403.751 km far from the Earth's center and 405.880 km far from here.
At 06:41 o'clock, dawn begins. Sunrise will be today at 07:57 o'clock, resp. will be tomorrow at 07:56 o'clock and Sunset will be today at 16:49 o'clock. The evening twilight ends at 18:05 o'clock. Therefore, is the day today 8 Std. 52 Min. long and the night will be 15 Std. 08 Min. long.
Moonrise will be today at 02:38 o'clock and Moonset will be today at 11:12 o'clock. Thus the sun is in the Waterbearer and the moon in the Scorpion.
Now here it goes to the sun- and moon movements for the next days.
The illustration is not to scale. Abnehmende Sichel
(Waning crescent) 277,0°